Theogony: Apollo and Daphne

Apollo and Daphne tell the story of Apollo, the greek god of the sun and music, and Daphne, a tree nymph. Apollo bragged that his bow was bigger than Eros’ (the god of love) (although I question whether they are talking about the size of a bow if you know what I mean.) To get revenge, Eros hit Apollo with a love arrow dipped in silver and hit Daphne with a hate arrow dipped in the lead. Apollo fell in love with Daphne, and Daphne did not return his affections. Daphne begged her father to turn her into a laurel tree to escape Apollo. This is a modern interpretation of their story.

(October 2022)


Theogony: Hades & Persephone


Theogony: The Odyssey