Theogony: Medusa

(T.W. Rape) Medusa is often seen as evil and a monster who could turn a mortal into stone with one look. But I see her differently. In her story, Medusa was a beautiful woman with men pinning for her affection. However, she remained a virgin and was a priestess in the Temple of Athena. Poseidon then raped her in Athena’s temple. Athena, who hated Poseidon and was outraged that this happened in her temple, cursed Medusa to have snakes for hair. This is often a punishment, but I view it as a form of protection so no man can harm her again. I wanted to portray Medusa as a scorned woman through a modern fashion lens.

(November 2022)


Theogony: The Odyssey


Theogony: Demeter